Despite our best intentions, gender equity is constantly being derailed by a range of largely cultural factors. Initiatives don’t work unless organisations also address; resistance to change, implications of culture, unconscious bias, societal norms.
Now is the time to act!
When viewed in conjunction with the 2017 Report (based on 2015-16 WGEA data) this report helps organisations to review the progress of their Gender Diversity Score (GDS) using data points over a two year period.
How did your company rate?
If your company’s GDS has improved, congratulations! This is a step in the right direction. Make sure you look at how much you have improved relative to both your sector and others. Also ask whether the increase trajectory is sufficient to get you to where you want to be in the next year?
If your company’s GDS is unchanged, time to critically assess your current Gender Diversity strategy! We suggest you look closely at the recommendations on p16 of this report and critically assess your program through this lens.
If your company’s GDS score has gone backwards, time to really ask the tough questions of your program at the highest levels within your organisation. A thorough assessment of your Gender Diversity Strategy should be considered along with fresh input on how to generate material outcome around gender balance not just policy compliance! Again, use the recommendations on p16 to challenge your current approach and mindset.